New York

20 April 2005

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I visited New York last November on business. It wasn't the greatest time of the year to be there, as it was freezing cold.

We drove in to Staten Island from New Jersey, and then caught a ferry across to Manhattan. I don't think I will try to drive into New York City again in a hurry, as the traffic is horrendous.

I found the city to be very different to what I had envisaged that it would be like before I went there.

Manhattan is nevertheless very impressive, and I really enjoyed Times Square at night. I have never seen so many Limo's in one place at a time.

I took a lot of photographs while I was there, and it was pretty hard to choose which ones to post here, but here goes anyway.

Click on the thumbnails if you would like to see larger images of any of the photographs below..


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This site was last updated Wednesday, 20 April 2005