Hong Kong

19 April 2005

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I have had the privilege of visiting Hong Kong five times over the last year and was lucky enough to find the time to wander around the city quite a bit. Expensive as far as accomodation, food and drinks are concerned, but if you are looking for anything electronic, it is definitely the place to go. 

It is an incredibly vibrant and busy city that seems to never stop moving. I found the city very intriguing with its diverse cultural mix and the sheer number of massive sky-scrapers that stretch in every direction that one an see.

The lights of Hong Kong at night are really spectacular, especially the views of Hong Kong island from Kowloon on the mainland.

I have taken a lot of photographs on my various trips to Hong Kong, and it was very difficult to choose which to put here. Here goes anyway.

Click on the thumbnails if you would like to see larger images of any of the photographs below..


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This site was last updated Tuesday, 19 April 2005