Cape Town

Thursday, 21 April 2005

Cape Point

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I am fortunate to live in Cape Town, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

We are really lucky to have the best of all worlds here. We have wonderful beaches, all the conveniences of the city, beautiful vineyards, mountains and beautiful forests in and around our city. All the photographs below are taken on drives that are no more than an hour from the city.

This page and the following pages of specific places of interest within Cape Town and its immediate surrounds include a couple of pictures that I have taken. As time passes, hopefully I will get around to updating these pages with more photographs . As I build up a good photo collection, I will split this into different pages for each area of interest and this page will then become less cluttered


Click on the thumbnails below if you would like to see a larger image



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This site was last updated Wednesday, 20 April 2005